Exhibition: ‘And Say the Animal Responded?’ At FACT Liverpool

Text by CLOT Magazine After the pandemic standstill, FACT Liverpool has been able to jumpstart their physical exhibition programme with a show aiming once more to make us reflect on one of the current most popular matters: endangered nature and our relationship with it. And Say the Animal Responded? which opened on August 12, 2020, […]
Editor’s Pick: Lucrecia Dalt’s ‘Seca’ video by Pedro Maya with Candela Capitán

Text by CLOT Magazine Lucrecia Dalt, Colombian musician, sound artist and RVNG Intl. family member, shares her second single, titled Seca, from her forthcoming release No era sólida. The accompanying video results from a collaboration with Spanish choreographer Candela Capitán and director Pedro Maia. Candela Capitán is a force of nature capable of turning movement […]