Op & Ed

ORIGINS, a multi-sensory epic journey that explores the planet Earth
Text by Juliette Wallace On the 29th January the NASA space agency and their German partners from the Goethe University in Frankfurt discovered something fundamental

COSMOTECHNICS, opening up portals outside of time
Text by Ania Mokrzycka It is with a certain feeling of urgency that I seek the nature, subject, words of the other story, the untold

Set it & play: The audiovisual carnivalesque of AXONTORR
Text by Natalie Mariko Lights down. Two figures carrying gun cases walk to the centre. A screen flashes nightmarish behind, landscapes morphing cataclysmic as sounds

Assimulation, a film exploring a simulated world of AI & the idea of being subsumed by technological changes
Text by Les Garçons Our taxi pulled up to the hotel, and we stepped out into the street, still wet from the rain the night

Audio essays as multiverse portals: Sonic Faction, By the North Sea & the practice of anti-linear time
Text by Mila Azimonti What if audio essays had the power to transport and transform us? What if they could carry us through shifting temporalities,

Metropolitan Aesthetics in the Age of Transparency, Eliott Paquet’s ‘Ceci Tuera Cela’
Text by Gabriella Gasparini My first month in Paris was crowned by an encounter with the city’s aesthetic libidinality. As I entered its streets and

Diasporas Now’s ‘Tecnobrujxs’, intrinsically united techno-magic-resistances
Text by Ludovica Bulciolu The land retreats, the water beneath her, turquoise and blue, as if an enormous sky had cried from the surrounding rocks

Intelligent Music, unearthing the human intention behind vintage algorithmic sequencing software
Text by Kristen Roos These are some of the qualities that identify what Americans call ‘smart software´- a new breed of music software designed to

SEMIBREVE festival 2024: The Day After, ode to an unforgettable experience
Text by Irem Erkin Braga, a city that fuses contemporary vibrancy with deep historical roots, serves as the perfect backdrop for the Semibreve Festival. Walking

Event series: ‘National Grid’ sound installation by Disinformation Expanded_Music ‘Into the Depths’
Text by Joe Banks Pulsing sub-bass audio suggests associations with the most primal anthropomorphic element in music – the rhythms of the human heart, with

Meakusma Festival, a passionate ode to 20 years of outlander music
From the visceral heart of London’s punk, noise, experimental, and DIY scenes, a unique biannual event series has emerged with force this year. Just days away from its third iteration (and the second in London), Sunday School, conceived by Dom Stevenson (aka YAWS), is set to return on August 26th at the iconic New River Studios in North London. The lineup packs a fierce array of bands and live acts featuring heavy hitters like Russell Haswell and Autumns, among many others.

Sunday School, a celebration of art, experimentation & pure devilish creativity
From the visceral heart of London’s punk, noise, experimental, and DIY scenes, a unique biannual event series has emerged with force this year. Just days away from its third iteration (and the second in London), Sunday School, conceived by Dom Stevenson (aka YAWS), is set to return on August 26th at the iconic New River Studios in North London. The lineup packs a fierce array of bands and live acts featuring heavy hitters like Russell Haswell and Autumns, among many others.

Continuation or rupture: Heather Dewey-Hagborg’s multimedia opera ‘Xeno in Vivo’
Throughout Xeno in Vivo, the scientists position CRISPR-enabled gene editing within this aeons-old history of selective breeding — the only mutation, they posit, is the speed at which evolution occurs.

MUTEK Forum as Temporary Utopia — crafting human-centered technological futures & showcasing the future of digital creativity
Text by Sarah Mackenzie & Maurice Jones The 10th edition of MUTEK Forum – MUTEK’s annual assembly and showcase of the future of digital creativity

On how the record label & artistic platform 99CHANTS produce cultural artifacts in the form of images, text & sound
Text by Agata Kik (…) doing music alone is a solitary process that I see as a shelter. Releasing others’ music instead is made of

Deciphering ‘Echoes of the Future: Artistic Interventions’, how artists use narratives & aesthetic practices to explore the environmental crisis
Text by Tuçe Erel, Jenny Alten & Udo Koloska Echoes of the Future: Artistic Interventions is a group exhibition featuring works by Cécile Wesolowski, Jenny