NICK KLEIN, how to challenge the function of performance in experimental dance music

Interview by Allan Gardner Nick Klein is an American artist currently based in the Netherlands. His approach to sound is emblematic of a movement in contemporary American dance music borne out of a desire to challenge the function of performance within a club setting, injecting an experimental approach to production underpinned by a deeply personal, […]

Event: Additional Tones, a tribute to Maryanne Amacher at Serralves Portugal

Text by CLOT Magazine Additional Tones: A Tribute to Maryanne Amacher is an homage to the renowned sound artist taking place this weekend at Serralves, the well-known art institution in Portugal. Maryanne Amacher (1938-2009) was an American composer especially known for her large-scale, fixed-duration sound installations and multimedia environments. She studied with Karlheinz Stockhausen and went on […]