Online broadcast: ‘Sonic Bites’ by CRYPTIC

Text by CLOT Magazine Cryptic, the Glasgow-based internationally-renowned producing art house founded by Cathie Boyd in 1994, has continued its popular Sonic Bites digital series. Giving paid work to 32 freelance creatives since launching in September 2020, all of the artists programmed for Sonic Bites 2021 were selected through Cryptic Nights open call, giving them a much-needed […]

EOMAC, how to blend primal & spiritual life forces in an audiovisual trilogy

Interview by Silvia Iacovcich Ian McDonnell, AKA Eomac, was encouraged into music from his teenage years. Coming from a classical music family background, he learned production the traditional way, including composition and orchestral music in his early education. Growing up, influences from sound pioneers such as Morton Friedman, ambient ventures like Aphex Twin, and old-school hits […]