Exhibition: ‘Paired Immunity’ at Art Laboratory Berlin

Text by CLOT Magazine Art Laboratory Berlin presents Paired Immunity, an exhibition that presents two works by bio artist Marta de Menezes and her partner, the immunologist Luís Graça.  In Immortality for Two, Marta de Menezes and Luís Graça immortalise each other’s immune cells. This is achieved by introducing cancer-inducing genes in the cells with […]

Event: Il Pianeta come Festival XL by MACRO X Terraforma vol.2

Text by CLOT Magazine Terraforma is an international music festival dedicated to artistic experimentation and sustainability. The three-day event has taken place since 2014 in the garden of Villa Arconati, near Milan. The artists range from early innovators and genre precursors to young and promising talents of the experimental music scene, defined for an ever-evolving […]