Online talk: ‘Viral Geographies’ at Art Laboratory Berlin

Text by CLOT Magazine Just when central Europe is being swarmed by the highest incidence rates of COVID-19 infection experienced during pandemics -or what scientists call the 4th wave- Art Laboratory Berlin is closing their Under the Viral Shadow project with an online talk on 25 November 2021, which will probably resonate stronger than ever. […]

MOST DISMAL SWAMP, the murky enmeshed poetics of post-internet hypercommunication

Interview by Piotr Bockowski ‘Mixed reality’ techno-ecologies we live in desperately demand a digital era Gesamtkunstwerk that would encapsulate its problematics in an exciting but non-simplistic way. Most Dismal Swamp is an ultimate collaborative project in the field of media art, which was conceived three years ago by London-based artist Dane Sutherland with exactly that […]