Symposium: Embracing Uncertainty, MA Art & Science 10 Year at CSM London

Text by CLOT Magazine MA Art and Science at Central Saint Martins is celebrating their tenth year with Embracing Uncertainty: MA Art & Science 10 Year Symposium on Friday, June 17, at their King’s Cross in London headquarters. Starting at 1 pm, Session 1: Looking Out – Beyond Human will delve into transformation, evolution and […]
Exploring the Hackers, Makers, Thinkers conference

Text by Lyndsey Walsh Following the opening of Hackers, Makers, Thinkers: Collective Experiments in Social Fermenting, Art Laboratory Berlin, in collaboration with Weizenbaum Institute at Universität der Kunste Berlin and The Einstein Center Digital Future at Technische Universität Berlin, hosted their two-day conference packed with a lineup of panels, workshops, curatorial exhibition tour, and exploratory […]