Online event: ‘Radical Ecology: Media Art & the Environment’
Text by CLOT Magazine Aphra Shemza is a London-based multimedia artist and curator. She is also co-founder of Art in Flux. As an artist and
Text by CLOT Magazine Aphra Shemza is a London-based multimedia artist and curator. She is also co-founder of Art in Flux. As an artist and
Text by CLOT Magazine Founded in 2016 by the artists Maria Almena, Oliver Gingrich and Aphra Shemza, Art in Flux is committed to furthering the
Text by CLOT Magazine shemza.digital is a new interactive artwork by Aphra Shemza and Stuart Batchelor that invites members of the public to contribute online
Text by Živa Brglez In the current art realm, technology (frequently coupled with science) is often employed for its spectacular properties, fashionable aspects or general
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