Exhibition: ‘Interspecies Futures [IF]’, defying the borders between fiction & reality
Text by CLOT Magazine Center for Book Arts promotes active explorations of artistic practices related to the book as an art object. Founded in 1974,
Text by CLOT Magazine Center for Book Arts promotes active explorations of artistic practices related to the book as an art object. Founded in 1974,
Text by CLOT Magazine Artist duo Baum & Leahy have co-created together with sound artist Sofie Birch, artist and designer Greg Orrom Swan and scientific
Text by Lyndsey Walsh Donna Haraway introduces us to the Camilles in the final chapter of “Staying with the Trouble” as “one of the children
Interview by Lula Criado Human beings communicate with each other through gestures, smells, noises and sounds before acquiring the ability to use speech for communication.
Text by CLOT Magazine In Mycohive: Telling the Bees, Shrouding the Soil, Amanda Baum & Rose Leahy explore how human rituals can trigger and help
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