Exhibition: ‘And Say the Animal Responded?’ At FACT Liverpool
Text by CLOT Magazine After the pandemic standstill, FACT Liverpool has been able to jumpstart their physical exhibition programme with a show aiming once more
Text by CLOT Magazine After the pandemic standstill, FACT Liverpool has been able to jumpstart their physical exhibition programme with a show aiming once more
Text by CLOT Magazine What would animals say to us if we listened to them? What might we learn about the state of our shared
Words by Eran Tsafrir Politics is poisoned. Propaganda, lies, manipulations, alt-facts, fake news, selective hacks, and leaks are the hallmarks of the politics of our
Words by Eran Tsafrir Politics is poisoned. Propaganda, lies, manipulations, alt-facts, fake news, selective hacks and leaks are the hallmarks of the politics of our age.
Text by Ana Sancho No Such Thing As Gravity is the forthcoming exhibition of FACT Liverpool. Curated by Rob La Frenais, it will explore
Interview by Meritxell Rosell Synesthesia is a neurological phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a
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