Exhibition: ‘Chasing Unborn Shadows’ at Gossamer Fog London

Text by CLOT Magazine Chasing Unborn Shadows is the coming exhibition at Gossamer Fog, one of the most interesting coming up galleries in the underground London scenes. This contemporary gallery focuses mainly on the intersection between technology, science and ecology. Chasing Unborn Shadows is curated by Zaiba Jabbar from Hervisions and is opening on February […]
MAXIM ZHESTKOV, how to dissect the source code of nature through intricate CG simulations

Interview by Silvija Daniunaite The creative horizon of media artist-slash-motion designer Maxim Zhestkov spans several disciplines from all across the artistic spectrum, combining art, music, architecture, design and computer graphics to create extraordinary digital landscapes that play with our perception of reality. Drawing you into a world that is both familiar and alien, each of […]