Installation: ‘NONDUAL’ by Albert van Abbe & raster at Concert Hall Kyiv

Text by CLOT Magazine NONDUAL by Albert van Abbe is an audiovisual installation which utilizes generative audio and visual technology to create an extended, abstract and boundless concert experience; a non-present presentation carries the improvisational beauty of generative technologies.NONDUAL will be on show at Concert Hall in Kyiv from 29 October until 27 November 2020. […]
Phreaking Hotline: Aliza Shvarts

Words by Charlotte Kent Phreaking started in the 1950s and was slang for exploring and messing with the telecommunication system. Some curious users dialled around, learning how the phone system worked, expanding in the 1960s and 70s alongside so much other digital art. Phil Lapsey is a phreaking expert who describes practitioners as a bunch […]