Exhibition: ‘NFTism, No Fear in Trying’ by Institut at Unit London & virtually via Arium

Text by CLOT Magazine Institut is the first art-world-led platform for NFTs committed to showcasing high-quality, curated artworks. Founded by Joe Kennedy and Jonny Burt, Institut collaborates with an international consortium of artists and collectors. Conscious of the impact of blockchain on the environment, the platform is developed using centralised custody rather than a fully […]
CAROLINE SINDERS, exploring digital activism & Internet violence

Interview by Giulia Ottavia Frattini An attentive interlinking of research, activism and art is what draws Caroline Sinders‘ eye and practice to the discussion and exposure of social dynamics whose contours are hard to discern but whose magnitude is widely tangible. Sinders adopts a journalistic approach aimed not merely at static documentation but rather at […]