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Exhibition: ‘No realm of thought… No field of vision’ by Cerith Wyn Evans at White Cube

Text by CLOT Magazine

No realm of thought… No field of vision, Cerith Wyn Evans. Installation view, White Cube, Bermondsey. Photo credit: Ollie Hammick

White Cube Bermondsey presents No realm of thought… No field of vision, an exhibition of new work by artist Cerith Wyn Evans. The exhibition features installations, sculptures and paintings that foreground the artist’s longstanding exploration of transcendence, translation and temporality.

Welsh artist Cerith Wyn Evans is best known for both his experimental films and complex sculptural installations. His work, based on theories on perception, references semiotic texts and incorporates chandeliers, sound and neon lights. The works in this exhibition encourage a synesthetic experience, interrogating a ‘Phenomenology of Perception’ played out across visual, spatial and aural dimensions.

Some of the works Cerith Wyn Evans is presenting include fig. (0), a major new neon sculpture that takes its form from drawings of the first helicopter designed in 1907 by Paul Cornu; evoking Marcel Duchamp’s work The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even (1915–23) the work (Folds…in shade (also light and shade) are three large folding screens that incorporate multiple fractured glass panels; Pli S=E=L=O=N Pli, 17 directional glass-panel speakers are suspended emitting a piano soundtrack performed by Evans; the neon sculptures …take Apprentice in Sun I-IV, Composition for Flutes, Space called Place (after RD),  …)( …in Krypton and, four new monochromatic paintings. 

The exhibition is on view until 19 April 2020 at White Cube Bermondsey. 

(Media courtesy of the White Cube and the artist)
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