Text by CLOT Magazine

In a recent interview, curator Valentia Peri discussed how the digital realm manifestly has an extraordinary influx on how we conceive, frame and construct our identity and confront ourselves with the external to connect to others.
A new exhibition at Vellum LA, co-organized with NFT Biennial and UnicornDAO, aims to explore how the new generations are reinterpreting gender and the paradigmatic shift that consolidated in recent years. Curated by Alice Scope and Chanel Verdult and running until 12 February, POSTGENDER aims to bring forth conversations about postgenderism between artists, collectives, curators and audiences.
While still being ‘human after all’… the participating collective of creatives moves past the defined terminology into a transhumanist manifesto. We are the new undefined state of gender that presents utopic fluid dynamics in shaping oneness. What if we, as a culture, moved past traditional gender roles into new forms of identity? What would we call it? They ask themselves.
Technology and art lay out the way for our identities to thrive in safe spaces beyond our physical bodies into celestial realms of avatar gender-bending sources. We are anything we wish to be. The exhibition explores what it means for a collective of progressive individuals to develop a new language to overcome the paradigms of archaic gendered narratives.
Participating are some of the most stimulating artists engaging with these new narratives Crosslucid, Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley, Evelyn Bencicova, Huntrezz, Jazzelle x Nick Knight, Operator, Martina Menegon, Nicole Ruggiero, Tabitha Swanson, Yatreda.
The exhibition invites local and global audiences to engage with their practices through a physical show at Vellum LA and digitally through the NFT Biennial Metaverse.
POSTGENDER runs until 12 February 2023 at Vellum LA. More information here.