Text by CLOT Magazine

Taking place on Sunday, 20 and 27 of September, as a part of Black Quantum Futurism‘s Black Womxn Temporal Portal project, Black Womxn Time Camp is a two-day program exploring time, alternative temporalities, time travel, time experiments, temporal shifts and other temporal technologies from the frameworks, rituals, and cultural traditions of Black women, femmes, girls, non-binary, and gender non-conforming folks.
Considering the unique, intersectional temporal experiences of Black women and girls and the ways in which we are being actively erased from the objective, linear future, this text, sound, and image series is part of a nonlinear timescape/tapestry/temporal map/toolkit preparing us for the Black womanist, quantum future(s). It is an interactive, open-access archive of the temporal technologies Black womxn and girls have developed to ensure our quantum future(s) and uncover our ancestral space-time configurations for survival in the present.
The program includes a tea ceremony and over 20 workshops, presentations and portals from local, national, and international presenters, including Morena Espiritual, Hannah I. Place, AnAkA, Karine Fleurima, Almah LaVon Rice, Soliana Habte, Black Quantum Futurism, Imani Harmon, Xenobia Bailey, Ingrid Raphael, dynanism, Chanelle Adams, Janine Francois, Jasmine Newton, Joy KMT, Camae Ayewa, DSM 215 Collective, Womanist Working Collective, Christina Springer, Jasmine Hearn + Angie Pittman, J. Hatton, and Antônia Gabriela Araújo. The schedule includes youth-friendly and youth-focused workshops.
Find more info here.