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Events: PERMEABLE BODIES, reading groups, talks & workshops to explore a poetic (post)natural history of being a woman

Text by CLOT Magazine

Workshop We’re not Lobsters! Queering, Decolonizing and Hacking Menstruation with Flo Razoux and Aouefa Amoussouvi
Workshop We’re not Lobsters! Queering, Decolonizing and Hacking Menstruation with Flo Razoux and Aouefa Amoussouvi

Art Laboratory Berlin curates a  new series called Permeable Bodies that encompasses artistic and feminist explorations of embodiment and identity in flux and an investigation of our interconnection and interaction with the environment around us. All the events in the new series Permeable Bodies discuss different notions of permeability approached through artistic, medical, sociopolitical and phenomenological perspectives. During October and November, Art Laboratory Berlin presents a series of talks, reading groups and workshops led by artists Karolina Żyniewicz, Charlotte Roschka, Kristina Stallvik, Louise Mackenzie, Nicola Hochkeppel, Flo Razoux and Aouefa Amoussouvi. 

On October 14-15, Capturing Leakage: Body Flows and Material Investigations, a two-day workshop that takes place indoors and outdoors at the Panke river in Berlin. Led by Karolina Żyniewicz and Charlotte Roschka, the workshop is based on the methodology of artistic research: conceptualisation, sampling, and exploration. 

On October 17, you might want to join the Art Laboratory Berlin team for the online IN-PROGRESS… | COLLOQUIUM Research in Art, Science and Humanities. The colloquium addresses an international interdisciplinary research audience to present and discuss past, present or future projects by artists and scholars, curators or editors from art, science and the humanities. In this session, Kristina Stallvik will discuss Zine Ecologies and Louise Mackenzie on Non-Human-Sense. On October 18, Nicola Hochkeppel led the workshop Explore Menopause: It Could Be the Best Time of Your Life! that will provide an entertaining explanation of the basic biological phases and symptoms associated with menopause; she will discuss political issues like why femininity is still associated with fertility. 

At the weekend of October 21-22, Flo Razoux and Aouefa Amoussouvi will lead the 2-days workshop We’re not Lobsters! Queering, Decolonising and Hacking Menstruation that aims to decolonise and queer our perceptions of menstruation. Participants in the workshop are invited to share their experiences and examine the representations of menstruation and its rituals. Last but not least, between October 16 and November 18 takes place the 2023: SURROGACY Reading Group with group leader Dr Anindita Majumdar and the artists Shu Lea Cheang and Ewen Chardronnet.

Later on November 4, artists Mooni Perry and Hanwen Zhang (AFSAR) will give the on-site talk Betel Nut, A Cultural Connector among Austronesian-speaking Societies, in which they will explore the cultural and social significance of betel nut chewing among Austronesian-speaking societies in Taiwan and beyond. Artist Mary Maggic will give the online talk Performing the Sublime Sea of Co-Mattering on November 23. Maggic will describe how biohacking, as a xeno-feminist practice of care, can inevitably lead to a form of world-making where collectivities can emerge with a radical breakage from the past.

Registration and information about these talks, workshops and reading groups can be found here.

(Media courtesy of ALB. Header: Workshop We’re not Lobsters! Queering, Decolonizing and Hacking Menstruation with Flo Razoux and Aouefa Amoussouvi. Photo: Barnabás Neogrády-Kis)
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