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DONGWOOK LEE, beautiful & disturbing humanoid sculptures

Words by Lula Criado

clot magazine

clot magazine

Korean artist Dong Wook Lee has a special relationship with the human body and an innovative and creative approach to art. He blends hyper-realistic miniatures made of a material called Sculpie with a modern reinterpretation of daily life.

The boundaries of beauty and violence are blurred by his disturbing humanoid sculptures —naked, bleeding, piled or tied— and his compositions ranging from a pile of heads inside a pack of capsules, a human mermaid in a fishbowl or bodies inside of a can.

 His particular and precise vision creates a surreal scenario and presents the (sweet or not) solitude and loneliness of the human experience in an overpopulated world.

clot magazine

clot magazine

What is more important: to take or not to take yourself too seriously in order to be creative?

신중하게 생각할 때 더 창의적인 결과가 나온다고 생각된다.

I can get the more creative results when I am taking myself seriously.

What’s your favourite time of the day?

아침에 작업실에서 일과를 시작하는 시간

The time when I start working in the morning in my studio.

Solitude or loneliness, how do you spend your time alone?

기르고 있는 애완생물(새,물고기,곤충 등)들은 관리하는데 보낸다.

When I’m alone, I usually spend my time with my pets (birds, fish, insects)

Have you found beauty in unexpected places/situations?

주로 주변 자연에서 기대하지 않은 아름다움을 발견한다.

Sometimes, I find unexpected beauty in nature.

What do you want to achieve before you die?

아직은 생각해보지 않았다. 생각할 여유가 없는 것도 같고 생각하고 싶지 않은 것도 같다.

I haven’t thought about it yet. I don’t think I have enough time to think about that question, and I don’t want to think about it.

One for the road… What are you unafraid of?

요즘은  없는 것 같다. 대부분의 일들에 두려움을 가지고 있다. 그러나 막상 시작하면 무던하게 받아들이는 편이다.

Not really. I’m kind of afraid of many things, but when I start something, I feel relieved.

(All photos 1,2,3 and home courtesy of Arario Gallery. Photos 4 and 5 taken by Lula at London Art Fair 2014. Special thanks to YoungJoo Lee for her help)
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