‘If a Tree Falls in a Forest’, a collection of interviews
Text by Katažyna Jankovska If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Commonly
Text by Katažyna Jankovska If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Commonly
Text by CLOT Magazine Queer East is an LGBTQ+ film festival that showcases rarely seen queer cinema from East and Southeast Asia. The festival aims
Text by CLOT Magazine The trigger to the programme is the absolute uniqueness of the present moment. Humanity as a whole is facing the necessity
Text by Ana Prendes In 2015, the leading thinker and philosopher of science Donna Haraway wrote in Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Plantationocene, Chthulucene: Making Kin, Who and
Text by CLOT Magazine The Terraforming is a three-year design research initiative and think-tank of Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design directed by Benjamin
Words by Fred Erik and Pleun van Dijk No other being has transformed its surroundings so radically as humans. Throughout evolution, our clever use of
Text by Tony Cho For the past few years, the term Anthropocene has taken on an identity of its own. Coined by Paul Crutzen in
Interview by Tina Gorjanc Annike Flo takes part in one of the expanding new branches of design, which interacts with science and technology in order
Interview by Sim Goodwin Now our transition into the Anthropocene is seen as complete, what becomes of nature? Is it still existent, or has it
Text by CLOT Magazine In today’s world of increasing awareness of environmental issues, we must rethink our relationship with nature and its inhabitants. That is
Text by CLOT Magazine An upcoming 3-week festival, which includes a curated 2-week long group exhibition, an open day, an international conference, workshops, screenings, performances, artists’ residencies
Interview by Živa Brglez H0 Institute for Metamorphosis has just organised the first edition of OTHERWISE, a 3-day post-Anthropocene-themed multisensorial and experimental festival-as-research, which took
Text by CLOT Magazine Two new TBA21–Academy commissioned exhibitions will open to the public in March: Joan Jonas’ Moving Off the Land II at Ocean
Text by CLOT Magazine Heading For Extinction (and what to do about it?)… The planet is in an ecological crisis: we are in the midst
Interview by Živa Brglez Since roughly the middle of the 20th century, the concept of creativity has been popularly viewed as a constitutive part of
Text by CLOT Magazine Saša Spačal is a post-media artist living and working in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Her current research encompasses living systems, media art, sound
Text by CLOT Magazine Deadline day today for this interesting residency by ZKM (Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe). With the premise that The glitch is
Text by CLOT Magazine Water and water pollution are becoming a central focus of artistic research. There is an exponentially growing number of initiatives, exhibitions and
By CLOT Magazine Editors Carte Blanche to Tomas Saraceno: ON AIR, Palais de Tokyo Paris, until 6 January 2019 Last chance to see a new exhibition by Tomás Saraceno
Text by CLOT Magazine Kontejner is a non-profit NGO founded in 2002 in Zagreb (Croatia). Since its inception, Kontejner has engaged in the organisation of
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