Exploring the Hackers, Makers, Thinkers conference
Text by Lyndsey Walsh Following the opening of Hackers, Makers, Thinkers: Collective Experiments in Social Fermenting, Art Laboratory Berlin, in collaboration with Weizenbaum Institute at
Text by Lyndsey Walsh Following the opening of Hackers, Makers, Thinkers: Collective Experiments in Social Fermenting, Art Laboratory Berlin, in collaboration with Weizenbaum Institute at
Text by Annique Cockerill Creatives globally are adjusting to a re-opening, post-pandemic world. Art Laboratory Berlin’s newest project series Hackers, Makers, Thinkers: Collective Experiments in
Text by CLOT Magazine On June 4, in the context of the group exhibition and interdisciplinary international conference Hackers, Makers, Thinkers organised by Art Laboratory
Text by CLOT Magazine Domestic food fermentation gained momentum during the periods of social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, with many people sharing homemade
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