Text by CLOT Magazine

The European ARTificial Intelligence Lab is a follow-up project to the European Digital Art and Science Network. It aims to offer international artists working in the field of artificial intelligence the opportunity to gain a residency at a scientific partner institution and the Ars Electronica Futurelab.
The first residency will focus on Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence. The open call runs until l February 17, 2019, and both established artists and up-and-coming talents will have the opportunity to spend several weeks at the Ars Electronica Futurelab and at the Muntref Centro de Arte y Ciencia (Museum of the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Art and Science Center) as well as Laboratorio de Neurociencia de la Universidad Torquato Ditella both in Buenos Aires.
The mission of this residency programme is to explore what contribution art can make to neuroscience and artificial intelligence, exploring how and in what way artistic thinking and practice can influence new applications and lead to a more critical understanding of AI and neurosciences. The project will focus on aspects beyond the technological and economic horizon to scrutinize cultural, psychological, philosophical and spiritual aspects.
From the perspective of 13 major cultural operators in Europe – Ars Electronica, Zaragoza City of Knowledge Foundation, Laboral, Kapelica Gallery, GLUON, Hexagone Scène Nationale Arts Sciences and Waag Society, among others- the European ARTificial Intelligence Lab centers visions, expectations and fears that we associate with the conception of a future, all-encompassing artificial intelligence.
An extensive activity programme in the form of exhibitions, labs, workshops, conferences, talks, performances, concerts, mentoring and residencies will foster interdisciplinary work, transnational mobility and intercultural exchange. We’ll keep our eyes and ears open for this future development that sounds as potently enormously enriching for the community. There are still a few weeks left to apply to the residency program.