woman bending purple eader image: A Knotted World, Rhonda Holberton, I

CLOT Magazine highlights & recommendations: AUGUST 2023

Yehwan Song Provisional Stages
Yehwan Song: Provisional Stage, Hek online

Exhibitions and events (by CLOT Magazine directing editors)

Rhonda Holberton: A Knotted World, ICA San José (California), until 13 August

We are on the brink of a technological and biological revolution that will change how we live, work, and relate to one another. In a Knotted World asks us to question the current state of technology that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres. The work in the exhibition builds upon four series by Bay Area artist Rhonda Holberton that explores the militarisation of land and the technology that both protects the soft animal of our body and extends violence outward to places we cannot see or imagine. More info.

Black Industrial / Noise Event 2: Dubmorphology, IKLEKTIC (London), 16 August

This series brings together artists, musicians, and writers to think about different notions of Black Industrial/Noise. How has it been elaborated previously? What affiliations between musical forms might it suggest? What different meanings does it have for practitioners working today? More info.

Devon Turnball: HiFi Listening Room Dream No.1, Lisson Gallery (London), until 26 August

American artist and designer has filled the gallery with handmade towers of speakers, throbbing tube stereo amplifiers, austere turntables, and tape machines. There are boxes of records scattered across the space, piles of tapes. This is a brutalist shrine to music, a space for meditation, quiet prayer, concentration and worship at the altar of sound. More info.

Brightside VR event at A+E Lab, The Historic Dockyard, Chatham UK, 25 August 2023

Public sharing of a new Dance Spin Class VR experience, “Brightside VR”, by Leeds-based dance artist Lydia Cottrell and a culmination of her VR residency at A+E Lab in partnership with The Place, London, within their Artist Development Program, Choreodrome. This dance spin class VR experience explores the world of ‘Generation Me’ soundtracked by a Millennial anthem. More info.

Yehwan Song: Provisional Stage, HeK online exhibition

In this new work for the exhibition, Yehwan Song delineates the boundary between the online space beneath the screen and the offline space where the physical user is situated, introducing the concept of a Provisional Stage. She creates an augmented reality (AR) stone tower framework in this stage. In the virtual space, visitors can interact with the stones, deciding whether to construct further or deliberately dismantle the existing stone tower by scrolling through the page. The act of construction or destruction thus acts as a collective exercise. More info.

On our playlist (by Luca Nasciuti)

Aho SsanRhizomes, Other People 2023 (link)

CORINLux Aeterna, UIQ music 2023 (link)

ZiúrEyeroll, Hakuna Kulala 2023 (link)

ShapednoiseAbsurd Matter, Weight Looming 2023 (link)

Mieko Suzuki Ödipus, Herrscher, raster 2023 (link)

(Header image: A Knotted World, Rhonda Holberton, Institute of Contemporary Art San José)
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