MATIJA COP, blending fashion & materials with architectural concepts

Words by Lula Criado 




After graduating from the Faculty of Textile Design in Zagreb with a strong background in philology, designer Matija Čop is focused on understanding the language of fashion. His conceptual works bring new perspectives to fashion and are distinguished by his use of woven polyester, vinyl acetates and laser cutting technologies.

Inspired by the cathedral of St. Jacob in Šibenik, OBJECT 12-1/13-5 is a collection of garments developed without sewing and made from a unique kind of interlocked segments. 

Čop has created pieces of clothing by using these segments made of a copolymer of ethylene-vinyl acetate —a material that feels like a rock when you touch it— and put them all together by the method of plug and feather

Matija Čop’s work is innovative, deeply fascinating and inspiring and by blending fashion with architectural concepts he creates pieces of clothing that are real wearable sculptures.




What is more important: to take or not to take yourself too seriously in order to be creative?

In order to be creative, I don’t think any of it matters. Those are just ways of exploiting creativity. Some use it without taking it seriously and then are able to use their creative potential, being so relaxed and unfettered. Others stimulate their creativity by taking their role in the working process very seriously. çI think it’s a matter of two separate personalities, which function in two separate ways. 

I don’t think identifying yourself as one of the two could help you further in exploiting creativity. If I were to analyze my work and my methods, with special regard to exploiting my creative potential, I’d say that I took my role very seriously with some projects and with others not nearly as much – almost stress-free.

To be creative you need to be open. Completely, towards everything. Curious. You need to be in love with your imaginary inner world.

What’s your favourite time of the day?

Night-time. I love silence. I love the autonomy I get from it. I can organize everything just the way I want it. I work, I eat, and I sleep a little. Night-time is the least stressful for me. I feel free. I love it when I know that people around me are asleep. I love being able to hear that silence.

And when everything slows down – it’s as if time goes more slowly, as if I have more of it. During the day I’m in constant interaction with people, I can’t focus on myself and my work –on contemplating.

Solitude or loneliness, how do you spend your time alone?

I’m often alone, I like being alone. Spending time in solitude. But in solitude, I don’t feel lonely. I find solitude enriching. At such times I’m in tune with my thoughts and very productive.

This solitude isn’t exactly physical in nature – that is, to be alone in a room. It is sometimes present in public places, as well – there I observe people while being completely secluded within my inner world. I like that world.

I like being alone, I’m often alone. At such times I feel free.

Have you found beauty in unexpected places/situations?

Yes, almost always, exclusively. I like simple, plain beauty. I love the beauty of a man who has just woken up. I love the beauty of the awkward walk down a rainy street. I love the beauty of the apple I eat for breakfast. I have great admiration for such beauty. The unobtrusive beauty of everyday things, beings and phenomena is almost touching.

What do you want to achieve before you die?


One for the road… What are you unafraid of?


(All photos courtesy the artist)
On Key

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