Rewire 2024: The Day After, exploring our relationship with sound & art
Text by Martyn Riley Rewire 2024 and Proximity Music weft and warped together throughout its four-day duration; much like observing the constant near-chaos of The
Text by Martyn Riley Rewire 2024 and Proximity Music weft and warped together throughout its four-day duration; much like observing the constant near-chaos of The
Text by Martyn Riley The perennial (ad)venture in sonics and performing arts, known as Rewire, continues undaunted since its inception back in 2011. Always explorative
Text by Rupert Galea A network of tunnels and cloisters underneath the St Pancras Parish Church serves as the final resting place for 557 people.
Text by Martyn Riley Every festival has its very own personality. A mix of curation, demographic, place and where it lies in history. This was
Text by Martyn Riley To create a piece or an experience that lasts, that affects an individual, or at the very least, to make a
Text by CLOT Magazine This Saturday, 11th March, sees the 5th edition of |ASDR|, which has organically developed into a regular quarterly event of experimental sound and
Text by CLOT Magazine [ADSR] was initiated within Tokoro Studio to bring a different space/place for emerging artists to perform and for people to access
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