Text by CLOT Magazine

For our 3rd instalment, we present a psychedelic mixtape by the hand of Anatolian Weapons. Athenian musician Aggelos Baltas has been producing music for almost a decade, with his Fantastikoi Hxoi project and the more recent Anatolian Weapons, conceived as a way to bring together his influences in krautrock and EBM, two seemingly mismatched concepts, with the polyrhythmic percussion and wailing tones of Greek folk music serving as their unlikely bonding agent. Baltas has gathered international praise for his bold blend of styles and influences, spanning a wide spectrum of psychedelic music.
His most recent publication, the excellent To The Mother Of Gods, is an album made in collaboration with Greek folk musician and composer Seirios Savvaidis. After hearing Savvaidis’ music through a friend, Baltas reached out to collaborate, and To The Mother Of Gods seeds were sown. Savvidis contributed stems of ten songs, which Baltas deconstructs and rearranges with an appreciation of their lineage’s ancestry and the deceptively ancient eerie, droning qualities inherent in the style. Baltas shares that this album was one of the projects that flowed very naturally; he felt so inspired by Seirios’ original material that this is one of his favourite projects to date.
This mix, Ghost Dancers, it’s [as always] a leftfield, psychedelic mix striving to combine the organic and electronic.