Conference: SLSAeu GREEN Copenhagen 2018

Text by CLOT Magazine

SLSAeu is the sister organisation of the international, USA-based Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts. It welcomes colleagues in the humanities, the social sciences, the arts, all fields of science, medicine, engineering, computer sciences, independent scholars, artists and scientists.

The 12th SLSAeu conference is taking part in Copenhagen,​ 13-16 June 2018, under the theme GREEN. The University of Copenhagen organises it, the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences/Medical Museion, with support from other UCPH departments and Aarhus University and chaired by Jens Hauser and Louise Whiteley.

Green is the historic colour of Islam and commonly associated with nature, life, health, philosophy, and politics. It is the colour of the environmental movement, green parties, and environmentally friendly products, and the colour associated with safety, permission, hope, and envy.

‘Far from having universal meaning, it marks a dramatic knowledge gap prone to systematic misunderstandings’, the organisers said. So how to define and understand greenness is an urgent political, societal, philosophical and economic question not only in academia.

Organisers welcomed proposals from a broad range of disciplines and professional fields, from chemistry, physics, biology, biotechnology and biophilosophy to eco and green fashion, design or warfare, from ecomusicology and eco-poetry to colour theory, perception and cognition, among many more.

The conference aims to provide a cross-disciplinary platform for participants to investigate the notions of green, greenness and greening. Over 170 papers accepted, five keynote speakers, PhD masterclass and three art events which are intended to boos ‘greenness studies’, told us, Hauser, over email. The main conference site will be UCPH’s South campus; other events and keynotes will happen at the Medical Museum and at the National Gallery of Denmark. The conference is supported by Novo Nordisk Fonden and the Carlsberg Foundation.

(All photos courtesy of SLSAeu)
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