Text by CLOT Magazine

Unbore is a new non-profit organisation based in the Netherlands that focuses on intersectin arts in their variety and versatility, a scientific research-based approach, and technological advancements. Their main mission is to establish a platform that offers a chance for artists, designers as well as researchers and practitioners in the fields of science and technology the possibility not only to take a proactive approach in the context of emerging unknown realities through bio and new media art and design but, most importantly, inform each other and yield tangible results.
The first instalment of the Unbore project series, titled Biomatter Unfixed, will consist of an exhibition and a symposium investigating the paradox of the human body — as human beings, we are simultaneously secured by and trapped within physical boundaries, which raises questions about the necessity of maintaining or dissolving identities, defined by selves and others. When we negotiate the boundary of the self by taking our bodies apart, it becomes difficult to define who is who, which, in turn, can open a way to a possible reconfiguration of our place in the total life fabric.
Unbore invites emerging and established professionals from artistic or life sciences backgrounds to propose their ideas for a group exhibition entry or a talk that would dynamically engage and fruitfully contribute to the matters raised in Biomatter Unfixed. Artists should aim to propose works that, first and foremost, blur the boundary between art, science and technology and seek to submit research-based, high-quality projects that induce a captivating polemic. Speakers are encouraged to present topics that would profoundly inform, inspire and ignite a debate.
Submissions are accepted until 31st January 2019. The main event will take place in Summer 2019 in Venice. Find more info here.