Text by CLOT Magazine

On 1 November 2019, STATE Studio Berlin will open the exhibition Lichtfelder as part of Berlin Science Week. The exhibition is an artistic-scientific reflection on the subject of light through the works of artists Charlotte Dachroth and Ole Jeschonnek. Created in the residency program of the Fraunhofer Network «Science, Art and Design», Charlotte Dachroth and Ole Jeschonnek’s explorative approach is characterized by a desire to explore the physical and optical possibilities of light through experimental investigation.
The artwork Lichtfelder uses micro-optical beam shapers to explore the physical, optical and artistic possibilities. Through the latest technology, artistic expression, and human perception, the artist duo developed a new work that makes the medium of light an object. It shapes, bends and refracts light rays and thus generates freely definable light fields.
The exhibition shows large-format works from earlier years and intermediate results of recent light installations created in close collaboration with the scientists* of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering (IOF) in Jena.
On the opening night, the London-born Berlin-based musician, producer and Dj Perera Elsewhere will perform live an instrumental performance accompanied by projected images in her shape-shifting and gritty musical handwriting.