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Live-stream: ‘Welcome to the Other Side’ by Jean-Michel Jarre

Text by CLOT Magazine

Electronic Music pioneer Jean-Michel Jarre teams with French VR start-up VRrOOm to take us into the New Year with the Live-stream concert-spectacular Welcome to the Other Side. Set in the virtual environment of Notre Dame, a unique place in the collective imagination and symbol of the strength and of World Heritage. The unique visual world created by Jarre in VR will also be the official midnight news image coming from Paris, the City of Light. 

Welcome to the Other Side is a one-off exclusive, worldwide and open-to-all, free concert experience whose ambition is to send a message of hope for 2021. 

I realised that I probably spent more time with technology and machines than human beings. But I have no choice, and I am quite excited by that. Even now, I mean the kind of excitement of exploring you a new concept, new instruments, new software, and it’s something that keeps me fresh, I think. Jarre told CLOT during an interview two years ago. 

Welcome to the Other Side invites us all to ring in the New Year together. Social virtual reality allows us to party wherever we are, including all who are socially or geographically isolated. Jean-Michel Jarre will perform live tracks from Electronica, Oxygène and Equinoxe from a studio near the Cathedral in Paris, whilst his avatar plays inside a virtual Notre Dame.

Join Welcome to the Other Side on December 31, 2020 at 23:25 CET/PARIS-TIME

The audio of the concert will be released on 01.01.2021 0:15 am CET on all music streaming platforms under the title ‘Welcome to the Other Side – LIVE’.

(Images courtesy of Jean-Michel Jarre)
On Key

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