Text by CLOT Magazine

Gossamer Fog presents a series of hybrid performance evenings utilising cutting-edge virtual production techniques, compositing live performances and virtual environments for a live stream audience. On May 26 at 8 pm GMT, Most Dismal Swamp presents Creep Vector. And on May 30, Samuel Capps will present Oblique Field [Cataract Requiem]. Both performances will be live-streamed on Gossamer Fog’s Twitch channel.
Creep Vector is a viscous bunker transmission from the weeping cracks of legacy platforms and moribund ideologies. A beta Multi-User Shared Hallucination that flourishes like moss across the cold stone of modern ruin. A heretic night science of dank enlightenment. Globally variable synaesthesia is intensified by the swamp angels: Hannah Rose Stewart, Laila Majid, James St. Findlay, guia, Our.v, _v.3lo, Iain Ball, Confraternity of Neoflagellants, and Bride.
In Oblique Field [Cataract Requiem], curated by Samuel Capps, will feature Adam Vackar, Ada Hao, Luca George and Mutants of Readiness – Kostis Stafylakis & Theo Triantafyllidis ft. Joshua Citarella. Blink too quickly, and you may not realise we operated at a significantly different level of perception than you might be used to. You were suspended in a world where you never really understood who was affected until we sliced open that membrane, releasing all of that pressure. But the politics involved in our existence are increasing at an ever-increasing rate, so let’s take a break and allow some time for breathing.
The simulation of society, defined by roles and pretence, became a cult for transmitting certain fictional realities. So really, the history of this place, of all of its systems and infrastructure, existed to keep us in place until we built the vehicle needed to transport the future from the past. Our synthesised and programmable bodies amalgamated to become collective identities transmissible in only the rarest of situations…So please, now is the time we break out of this skin. Reads Oblique Field [Cataract Requiem] statement.