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New Project: Atonal Berlin Festival ‘More Light’, music, art & more

Text by CLOT Magazine

Caterina Barbieri at Berlin Atonal 2018. Photo credit: Helge Mundt

Cultural organisations and institutions haven’t stopped pushing themselves into new ways of reinterpreting their territories during these pressing times, particularly music and art festivals when the sight of live events being able to take place looks discouragingly far. It’s the turn now for Atonal, one of the acclaimed Berlin experimental audiovisual festivals that have decided to revive its legendary imprint and put together an artist-led collection featuring new music, art prints and garments.

The Berlin Atonal imprint has previously hosted contributions from Cabaret Voltaire, Psychic TV, Marshstepper and more, now opening a monumental chapter by releasing two incredible new projects. A compilation entitled MORE LIGHT, as well as the 2016 live festival recording of the late Mika Vainio.

MORE LIGHT brings together 19 artists, including Caterina Barbieri, dBridge, Hiro Kone + group A, Lafawndah, Laurel Halo, Lee Gamble, Nkisi, Abdullah Miniawy & Carl Gari, Aho Ssan, Pablo’s Eye, Vladislav Delay, Gerald Donald, Roly Porter & Paul Jebanasam that debut a new collaboration Altar, Shakleton, Peder Mannerfelt, and more.

Additionally, the label reveals the recording of the festival’s celebrated 2016 live show of the late Mika Vainio. The 2LP release is accompanied by artwork from Vainio’s personal archives. All profits from the record sale will be donated to the Alpha School for Boys in Kingston, Jamaica. Together with the package, Berlin Atonal will also release some high-quality limited edition prints from visual artists who have exhibited at the festival in the past; Anne de Vries, Sasha Litvintseva + Beny Wagner, D.R. Boysen, Pedro Maia, Stéphanie Lagarde as well as a special photograph of the 2018 performance of Actress at the festival by Helge Mundt. 

(Media courtesy of Atonal)
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