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Open Call: EARTH WATER SKY Residency by Science Gallery Venice

Text by CLOT Magazine

Earth Water Sky is Science Gallery Venice’s 3-year residency programme for artists interested in the environment and the latest in cutting-edge environmental knowledge. Every year there is an open call for artists from any art form – digital arts, painting, sculpture, dance, performance, music, multimedia, video, film, photography, writing, drawing – to apply for a 2-month fully-funded residency in Venice. The winning artist/s will work with leading scientists from Ca’ Foscari  University and the Veneto region. The Earth Water Sky environmental science and art residency programme is curated by Ariane Koek, and this year’s application is closing on July 1, 2021.

The history of our Earth is written in the rocks and sediment in the landscape and which have been used for human culture, from the distinctive white Istrian stone and pink marble used to build the Doges Palace in Venice to ancient organisms, plants and invertebrates preserved as fossils in sedimentary rock.  Rocks are the Earth’s timekeepers. Their history is the witness and record of all activities on our Planet.

With Earth’s time stretching back billions of years, and one grain of sand with which we use to make glass or buildings having taken up to millions of years to form starting from erosion from the Alps, is what we are seeing with climate change partly a clash of experiencing and understanding time? The Earth’s perspective, which privileges deep time versus the human perspective, which rewards speed and necessity?

How can we make a re-connection with our Planet – including with its geology and vital sediments, such as dust and sand?  And what can we learn from fossils, their evolution and adaptation, and the ancient beings which once lived here?

For more info, follow the link here.

(Media courtesy of the Science Gallery)
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