Symposium: ‘Dis/Assembly of Performative Things’, performance as a strategy
Text by Leoni Fischer The Dis/Assembly of Performative Things is dedicated to performance as a strategy for designers to question their discipline, the contexts it
Text by Leoni Fischer The Dis/Assembly of Performative Things is dedicated to performance as a strategy for designers to question their discipline, the contexts it
Interview Simiona Serban Design in our contemporary world dives into a pool of interdisciplinary and creative platforms; on this note, Nohlab studio is a multidisciplinary
Text by Tuçe Erel Language has been granted too much power. The linguistic turn, the semiotic turn, the interpretative turn, the cultural turn: it seems
Interview by Maren Häußermann Emanuel Gollob is an Austrian artist who uses artificial intelligence to make his audience “do nothing”. The idea behind the project
Text by Ana Prendes In 2015, the leading thinker and philosopher of science Donna Haraway wrote in Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Plantationocene, Chthulucene: Making Kin, Who and
Text by Tina Gorjanc Hussain Almossawi is a CG artist, director, and product designer based in Brooklyn, New York. He is the Mossawi Studios founder,
Text by Maren Häußermann For Mae Maze London, the aim is to be more than a fashion brand. And one way to do this is
Interview by Simona Serban Studio Pascal Smelik – a studio for site-specific and custom-made object design – is a studio founded by Pascal Smelik in
Text by Maren Häußermann The presentation of fashion is never just about the clothes. In the eighties, the models danced to music on the runways.
Text by CLOT Magazine Change and adaptation are the only constants in our lives, and experimentation at all levels is the motor of creativity. Both
Text by CLOT Magazine Temes de Disseny, the yearly publication of ELISAVA Barcelona School of Design and Engineering, is back with an issue focused on AI
Interview by Adriana Ciotau When we think of Jenny E. Sabin, we think about the background and ambitions that have crossed boundaries in research collaboration.
Text by CLOT Magazine Tallinn Architecture Biennale (TAB) is a global architecture and urban development festival taking place in Tallinn, Estonia. Organised by the Estonian
Interview by Lidia Ratoi Texture. Colour. Material. Light. Movement. Sound. One morphing from another, seamlessly coming together. Suggestive. Empathetic. Delicate. Strong. Seductive. Impossible to separate
Interview by Tina Gorjanc Annike Flo takes part in one of the expanding new branches of design, which interacts with science and technology in order
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