Symposium: ‘Dis/Assembly of Performative Things’, performance as a strategy
Text by Leoni Fischer The Dis/Assembly of Performative Things is dedicated to performance as a strategy for designers to question their discipline, the contexts it
Text by Leoni Fischer The Dis/Assembly of Performative Things is dedicated to performance as a strategy for designers to question their discipline, the contexts it
Interview by Leoni Fischer Everything in the world bears witness to its own production. The works of the German artist Maximilian Prüfer, however, can be
Text by Leoni Fischer We are our environment1. This short phrase opens up the full dimension of the multi-layered tensions between humans and the material
Text by CLOT Magazine Art and science have always maintained diverse relationships with each other. For some years now, however, these have been explored anew
Text by Leoni Fischer The Sun Machine Is Coming Down!, reads the prophetic call filling my DM’s in a sudden gush. Over the last months,
Text by Leoni Fischer As the grand finale of the exhibition Under the Viral Shadow at Art Laboratory Berlin, the conference held on October 9
Interview by Leoni Fischer If we continue to restrict ourselves to viewing nature as a domain, work tool, or material, rather than a partner, everything
Text by CLOT Magazine When the pandemic hit, we needed to reimagine our behaviours, routines and interactions rapidly. Now, after a year into the pandemic,
Text by Leoni Fischer August 2020: SAGA’s self-folding LUNARK habitat – envisioned for a life on the moon and carefully tailored to house the two-person
Text by Leoni Fischer Chalky rustling fills the room. The dark stage reveals an assemblage of thirteen cored building bricks stacked on top and beside
Interview by Leoni Fischer In the early 1950s, when the business with the ‘black gold’ took off at an enormous pace, the Arab states of
Interview by Leoni Fischer Two figures are walking through a vast scenery. Diffuse light sheds a gleam over the featureless territory. Packed up inside puffy
Interview by Leoni Fischer I came across Steve Bishop for the first time last year when I visited his installation Deliquescing at KW Berlin, which
Interview by Tina Gorjanc Euglena is a genus of more than 1,000 single-celled flagellated (i.e., having a whiplike appendage) microorganisms with plant and animal characteristics.
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