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Exhibition: ‘La Forme de l’eau’, how to convert tangible memories into its most poetic elements

Text by CLOT Magazine

Galerie Charlot Paris presents La Forme de l’eau, a poetic exhibition by artists Jaime de los Ríos and Marie-France Veyrat. 

Marie-France Veyrat is an artist interested in investigating and experimenting with art creation using different languages, such as textiles, paintings, three/dimensional installations, digital compositions and land art. And Jaime de los Ríos’s career focuses on the intersection of science and technology, especially regarding the mechanisms, rhythms, natural patterns, and collective intelligence to create collaborative, immersive environments and dynamic works related to computational natural behaviour.

For the exhibition La Forme de l’eau, they present artworks that convert tangible memories into their most poetic elements, freezing an instant and making it infinite. An installation with physics and fluids captures water’s fall and emulates its shape in 3D printing. 

Water no longer falls but rises as in the language of dreams in opposition to Newtonian laws. The water is transformed into algorithms in real-time, which follow one another choreographically in parallel with Marie-France’s voice which narrates the story of her discovery. Read the exhibition’s statement. 

Galerie Charlot develops a reflection on the relationship between art, technology and science. The gallery is dedicated to contemporary art, where the world of digital art brings together artists, collectors and scientists. 

La Forme de l’eau runs until July 28, 2023. 

(Media courtesy of the gallery)
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