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Exhibition: ‘Reality Errors’ at Nam June Paik Art Center

Text by CLOT Magazine

Argos, Yunchul Kim (2018-2020)

Reality Errors speculates in the near future where the pace of technological advancement would outstrip human comprehension, seeking ways to coexist with diverse alterities such as machines. Curated by Kwonjin Cho, the exhibition presents works from American Artist, Cao Fei, eobchae, Hyesoo Park, Jung Seung, Matthieu Cherubini, Sejin Kim, Sookyun Yang, Wesley Goatley, and Yunchul Kim.

Reality Errors grounds its departure point in pursuits of future coexistence through the inquiries the artists pose, illuminating the ethical and social issues that we have left behind in the throes of technological advancement. The artists turn their eyes to issues that we face in our daily lives, and the errors, mistakes, and follies will bring the same problems from the past and present back to life. 

Korean artist Yunchul Kim, a well-known artist for CLOT readers, is presenting two works: Triaxial Pillars II (2017-2020) and Argos (2018-2020). The works I now make are time-based, so dealing with these events is not actually too different from when I did music. Even though I do not actually create sounds, the kinetic movements through various devices of my works can be seen as a real-time composition. When the fluid flows within the devices, various noises are heard, which I think can be perceived as having a musical experience. I still work with music, and I anticipate that one day there will be a point when my sound ideas and visual works meet. He told CLOT when asked about his creative process exploring the properties of matter, the potential of fluid dynamics and natural processes. 

The exhibition runs until January 31, 2021. 

(Media courtesy of the artist)
On Key

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