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Workshop: ‘Skills for Future Art Ecosystems’, learn how to make art in the metaverse

Text by CLOT Magazine

Shirley She Keeps Me Damn Alive (video game still), Danielle Brathwaite (2021)

As part of Future Art Ecosystems: Art x Metaverse’s exploration into virtual experiences and the infrastructure necessary to support evolving art and advanced technologies, Serpentine and arebyte partner to bring you a series of technical workshops focused on artmaking in the metaverse. Each workshop, led by an artist, will allow participants to learn and create live with 20 other participants. Upon completion, attendees can expect to have tangible skills to apply in their own creative practice.

Alongside their art programme, arebyte Skills features short courses on digital theory and introductions to creative software and hardware. Through workshops led by artists working within the digital realm, arebyte Skills provides practitioners and newcomers with hands-on techniques for digital making.

On Saturday 18, Serpentine x arebyte presents Metahuman Production with Keiken, a cross-dimensional collaborative artist collective that includes Hana Omori, Isabel Ramos and Tanya Cruz. In this workshop, they will share their production approach using Unreal Engine’s Metahumans. Demonstrating CGI and virtual workflows and frameworks for gaming, films and CGI, artist collective Participants will be guided through how to create a high fidelity and fully rigged digital avatar. 

This workshop is part of Future Art Ecosystems: Art x Metaverse’s exploration into the metaverse, virtual experiences and the infrastructure necessary to support evolving art and advanced technologies. 

(Media courtesy of Serpentine x arebyte)
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